
There is soon to be a pedestrian/cycle phase at the Lower Granton Road/Trinity Crescent junction allowing a safe crossing from McKelvie Parade to the NEPN.

The design for the next section of Promenade alongside West Shore Road has been done. But there is ‘no money’. It will depend on “developer contribution” when/if more housing is built.



On-road “advisory” cycle lanes could be created on West Shore and Harbour Roads cheaply and easily (no need for TROs) , but CEC need to be convinced that this would be more than just a gesture and would actually encourage cycling.


North Team (@north_team)
25/03/2014 15:17
@CyclingEdin @Edinburgh_CC @adamrmcvey @cllrcammyday Finding ownership for you and if yes, may be eligible for NEP proposal. Will let u know

2 thoughts on “Rumours”

  1. Considering the cycle route along the north of the Forth is (nearly) 100% completed, I’m surprised the council don’ make a lot more of this as a waterfront prom the whole length!

  2. The Granton-Trinity bottleneck is currently undermining this route. If a path on the line of the old railway could be put down at Wardie then that would create a coastal route that would attract people to venture further east and then through to Portobello. Currently my tours tend to head back up to Crewe Toll on the diagonal route (despite no dropped kerb). I judge the road at Wardie to be too narrow and conflicted most of the time. The entrance to McKelvie Parade is not good and current surface is very poor.

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